Apr 27, 2022Liked by SuperNana, Joe Lange

Thank you for the reply and kind words. I am embarrassed at the sins I have committed and you are right in that I don't feel like God will forgive me. I know I need to forgive myself first... I am going to save your reply in my email so I can read it again and again. On another note-It's funny, the 1st thing I do on TG is check Brian Cates' posts and then yours. :)

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I really appreciate you friend. I am ashamed of my sins too. I used to tell the guys that only me and God know how truly depraved I’ve been and know all my sins. Yet His live for me never changed. He kept pursuing me anyway.

I was the leper that if people knew what I’ve done would be yelling and warning people about me “unclean! Unclean!”

But you have to reach a point where it’s you asking Jesus just like the leper in the Bible.

Jesus, if you are willing, will you make me clean?

Jesus said, “I am willing.” Then just touched him and he was cleansed.

Jesus is willing to cleanse you if you’ll let Him just touch your heart.

I struggled at one time forgiving myself then a wise friend confronted me.

He said, why do you think you’re better than God?

Why do you think Jesus sacrifice for you wasn’t enough?

Why do you think God didn’t already know about all your sins?

His questions shocked me but I needed it.

Who am I to say I know better than God.

He’s forgiven me already.

And my last encouragement to you to forgive yourself cause God already has is this.

I used to listen to J Vernon Mgee on the radio for years.

My favorite saying he had was this.

“If you knew all my sins you wouldn’t talk to me friend, but if I knew all yours I wouldn’t talk to you either.

Be encouraged my friend. You’re already clean.


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Apr 27, 2022Liked by SuperNana, Joe Lange

You are amazing and are touching so many with what you write and spitball. I do not post or comment but I look for what you have to say everyday. I really get a lot of encouragement and peace. Thank you!

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You don’t know how much that encourages me Marcia! I really do appreciate you!


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This reading was an amazing experience, Joe.

As a non Christian I avoid listening to people talking about God, if it is just words.

But when I hear that the words come from the heart, I love it.

And you Joe are talking from your heart - and my heart responds in friendship and joy.

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I really appreciate that Jytte. That makes my heart smile!

Blessings friend

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Joe Lange

Awesome article, thanks! You have been a blessing to me!

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Joe Lange

This was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. I follow you on TG. I was raised in the Catholic faith and became disillusioned by religion in my adult life. I believed Jesus was a real person in history but I wasn't sure he was our saviour. Several years ago I really started to question my faith and I had no idea why all of the sudden I wanted to know. I went to the library (showing my age) and signed out as many books as I could carry about God, Jesus and angels. I would read them and then go get more. Then I started signing out books on NDE. At that same time. I worked with this man who was from Uganda and studied theology. His father was a minister and he had lived in several other countries. We started having these really long discussions at lunch and break time about God. Towards the end of my time working at that company, I mentioned to my coworker that I didn't know why I had started questioning my belief and he "Someone wants you to." It was Jesus. I am sure he wants me to be a better person. I am frequently not successful and your article really hits home so all I can do is keep trying.

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Be encouraged Candice. There are many people like you. You’re not alone. I knew several guys in my men’s Bible study group who grew up Catholic and not only didn’t know their Bible but also didn’t know Jesus.

But it’s not just a Catholic thing.

I grew up with no religious upbringing at all. Both my parents were fleeing their own religious upbringings so there was no talk of God in our house.

But when I was little I found a little red book that turned out to be a kids Bible tract booklet.

It was my secret little book that I would read by myself. It introduced me to God and I remember laying in bed several times just asking God questions. Silly little kid questions.

So since I was a little kid I believed in God. Always have.

But I went through a literal Prodigal son period in my teens and twenties and it was part of my journey. It was important because I was a great sinner.

It kept me from attending a church even though I still believed in God.

I figured God wouldn’t accept me because I was even ashamed of the things I’ve done.

Then God placed me in a moment in time where I heard the Good News.

I was a sinner and separated from God but Jesus was a mighty Savior and had died for me. Paid the price for my sins. All of them. Past, present and future. I was forgiven.

When I got down on my knees on my bathroom floor and asked God to forgive me and thanked Jesus and asked Him to come into my life it was like the biggest burden being lifted off me. Nobody could understand. It was very personal.

You see there is a big difference between believing in a God like I used to and knowing Him and having a personal relationship.

I used to use this analogy to encourage the guys in my group.

It’s like asking someone if they know Abraham Lincoln.

You can know everything that has ever been written about Lincoln but you’ve still never met him.

Jesus is alive. He died for us but He lives and He invites us to meet Him. To get to Know Him. I talk to Him a lot. I’m often thanking Him.

That’s my encouragement to you.

Search the Bible for everything Jesus said. Read every reference about Him. It will help you become familiar and God’s truth is powerful. He has written a lot of it on my heart.

But don’t just learn about Him.

Talk to Him. Ask Him to come into your life. Ask Him questions and keep asking.

You will have no greater friend, encourager and champion than Jesus.

And I’m going to share a secret that most won’t grasp.

Jesus doesn’t need you to keep trying.

He doesn’t need you to keep trying so you’ll be accepted. You already are.

He loves you and already proved it by suffering and dying on that cross just for you.

There’s only one thing you really have to do.

Accept His free gift.

That’s it. You don’t earn gifts. You just choose to receive them.

Jesus loves you and offers full forgiveness and if you accept it your life will be changed because God promised it would.

I’m praying for you sister.

Many blessings

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